
By moments2see

" What Will Your Verse Be?"

" O me! O Life! of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities filled with the foolish....What good amid these, O me, O life?
Answer: That you are here-that life exists and identity
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse."
Walt Whitman

This is an image of the dark empty hall where my daughters teach in a public middle school for those from a low socio-economic background in Texas. We were there getting their classrooms ready for the students' return...empty halls filled with history of previous students as well as the hope, the promise and the possibilities of a new school year.
With the death of Robin Williams, I could not help but think of one of my favorite scenes and quotes ( O me! O life!) as he played Professor Keating in " Dead Poet's Society"
and especially the question he asks that strikes a chord deep in me..." What Will Your Verse Be?"
...what indeed....

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