Estelas en la mar

By Diero

Bryce to Capitol

In the morning we did a loop at Sunset point (Sunrise point, Queen’s garden and Wall street). It is called the Queens/Navajo combination loop. A classic! We were wandering in a fairy tale. The hoodoos are magic! Then we drove to Inspiration point and Bryce point. Romeo was very popular with his orange shirt eating yogi pastilla color mango, in an orange hoodoos setting. He was also hugged by a groundhog human size. Now he probably thinks that American people are very weird! I run to see the Paria point while family was in the car. They did not miss much...
From Bryce to Capitol, what a scenic drive! Grand staircase escalante seems very nice. For another trip? Long drive and late lunch. We ate and stayed at Torrey. I had a cheeseburger with bacon and Mati a salad, romeo some nuggets, he did not really liked (I cannot blame him). We set up the tent a little bit outside the village in front of Diablo restaurant. Before shower and eating we went for a short walk on chimney rock trail (strenuous, che esagerata!).
Mati could connect on internet and be reassure about what was going on in the office without her...
All-comfort (i.e. hot shower) camping.

(text: courtesy of Hubby)

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