Inner Sense

By FranklyFrank

Uninvited guest

Sue spotted a couple of bats in the eaves of our studio. By the time I got my camera one had gone. This guy waited for me and gave me a chance at a half way decent shot. We have had bats in the house twice in the last week or so. The first time was in our bedroom. It's funny how old wives tales about bats being caught in your hair, or even Dracula movies, come to mind at such times! There wasn't much we could do except open the doors and hope he made it out... which he did after circling the room for a while. Incidentally bats seem to be better at being inside than birds or insects - they don't end up battering (or is that batting?) themselves against the windows.

The weather has been cooler today and we even had a spot of rain - not nearly en0ugh for the garden, but more is forecast. The cooler start to the day lured me in to doing some heavier work than I've felt ready for in our 30 degree days. But it fooled me and got hot again. There is however a pleasure in physical work and, yes, in sweating. That's where the outside shower comes into it's own too.

RIP Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall. Both great talents and sad to see them go.

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