
By MShelley


I was an observer at an event where they were discussing the effectiveness of lunch-clubs that local community groups have set up to help in the socialisation of people aged over 55.

Pamela was at my table; she is 80 years old. While others were talking over one another or dominating the discussions on the table, Pamela was quite controlled and calm in her behaviour but firm; when ever the facilitator asked her a question, she spoke briefly and gave very useful suggestions. She prepared a list of her observations - which she handed over to the organisers at the end of the event.

Pamela looked lovely too; I asked her if I could take her photo - she agreed immediately and said to me that she always wants to look different from others - she said while others have their short grey hair, but she likes to keep them long and in a bun - so, she preferred this angle where her hair/bun is visible.

I didn't have my camera with me today - so, this photo is with my over 6 years old mobile phone :) - (I have found it hard to part with this friendly Nokia phone ...)

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