Science Baby!

When it rains in Northern Ireland it really commits. No half measures, it dings doon. And so it was that on day 2 in Northern Ireland, after we casually got our stuff together, we followed Mel's car in torrential rain through to Belfast. After an emergency picnic in the car near the docks, it was jackets on to run the gauntlet of the downpour to get into W5, Belfast's science museum. We got so scienced up to the max that we collapsed in a sofa for a bit to recover, but not soooo tired that Dave couldn't then take all the kids home while Mel and I went to IKEA.

I have a sheltered Ikea experience compared to most, I've been to an IKEA store about three times, the first time was in Engerland's blue water where I got so overwhelmed I got one of those migraines where you lose your vision and dave had to support me to the car, hahahaha. The last time that happened was on my 5th birthday where I got so excited about my party I got a migraine and the party had to be cancelled. Luckily for Mel I kept my stuff together this time and cooly and calmly proceeded though the endless (do they ever end?) show rooms to the market place of infinity. I was also very good at not spending a fortune, well, maybe a little fortune.

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