Window Pain!

Thump! I heard something hit the conservatory window and jumped up to find out what it was. Looking a trifle dazed and bemused this tiny fledgling great tit was on the paving of the terrace wings outstretched.

Watching it for a minute or so, to amongst other things keep predators at bay, it didn't look like moving and started to sway. Picking it up gently and cupping it in my hands for a while it came round, did a little flutter thankfully, so I popped it onto the bird table. Softly whispering to him, we eyeballed each other with his eyes widening and brightening all the time. I grabbed the camera for a shot; he was very accommodating, gave a little cheep which was answered in the shrubs and flew to join his family which have been around all summer. Lovely to see and what a treat for me to be able to get so up close!

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