Walking the City

I'll need to start cycling again - just over two weeks to go and biddy MrT, heidbanger of the parish, has bought a new, slick cycle. Fekker. I went off to the bike shop and bought a pair of narrower, slicker tyres for the old bike. That's all pensioners can afford.
Later, down to see Walking the City with James Roberston - ten year celebration thing about Edinburgh being a UNESCO City of Literature. Aye, whatever. Anyway, he announced at the start that we'd be joined in 30 minutes by a very special guest. Ripple of anticipation. He did some readings, checking his watch, looking over to the door, we're now all atremble, until eventually he announces.. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome someone I never thought we'd see at the Book Festival… Sir Walter Scott! Haw haw. And it was he.

Much later, down to the boaty club; the new odious offshore landlords have decided they can squeeze an additional £500K out of all their tenants in the way of 'service charges'. Whaaat?

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