My Everyday

By MyEveryday


A few months ago you would have found my 4 year old daughter, (then 3), dressed in a "wedding dress" almost every day. This wedding dress was handed down to her by her older cousin Madison, who will be 11 in two weeks. Madi is the sweetest, most thoughtful, and generous girl you could ever meet, let alone incredible daughter, sister, cousin, and niece. I see a lot of similarity between her and my daughter, Ms. B, and can only hope I can bring B up to be as thoughtful and generous as her older cousin.

Madi has given Bryn many of her toys and dress up clothes that she no longer uses. This dress happened to be in that box. And the most special thing is, Madison wore this dress as the flower girl in our wedding 7 1/2 years ago. I think Ms. B likes to wear the dress because she feels pretty and feels like a princess. But I also think, whether she knows it or not, she wears it because her older cousin Madison (who is VERY special to Bryn), gave it to her, and used to wear it herself.

The dress is now a bit tattered, has been through the wash way too many times (I believe it is dry clean only :), and is tied together in places to keep it together. It has been stepped on, ripped, been saturated in chocolate milk, worn by some of Bryn's friends, and still being worn quite often by Ms. B.

But to Ms. B, it is sooooo much more than just a dress....

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