Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


Off to Pilates early this morning, then home to get the kids ready for school. Something seemed amiss however, so I before heading for school I went to check the chickens. The “amiss” was that it was all very quiet, for good reason. They were all dead.

A small dog had pushed thru the gate and 4 of the 5 chickens were lying dead in the pen. The 5th remains missing, presumed dead also.

Not much I could do, so off to work, the main event today being a big management training session. Fair to say it didn’t quite match 5 dead chickens, but it was also quite an a event with a lot of transparency and honesty, more than we’ve probably ever had. It needed to happen, to clear the air so that we can more effectively communicate and work together as a management team. I feel despite the “pain“ we made some great progress today. Optimistic.

Then back up to Chicken CSI, where we started piecing the puzzle together. It was small dog, as the fence wasn’t pushed right down. So it wasn’t the neighbours lab, Cody. It probably happened early morning, maybe 6.30 (?) as there was an egg, none last night, that was smashed. Neighbouring properties were searched, no stray feathers anywhere. Chicken pen was also searched for dog hair, as I am sure they would have defended themselves, or tried to. Nothing.

So, it was small dog, in the early morning, that has carried one of the girls off.

I expect it will come back. Which is going to be interesting if I catch it … Should I, at the very least it will be held it ransom until the owners replace our chickens. And the dog will be reported to the council.

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