set to launch...
...into the sky
was this - odd looking orange bug - for right after i got off this shot - he spread his wings - to take flight - so i was glad - for once - my timing was - spot on - because he's an interesting - looking specimen - don'tcha think? another one of those times - i have no clue - as to what it is - but i rather liked him - he's out of the ordinary - when it comes to the insect world - and whereas - a couple of years ago - i very well may have yelped - at the sight of such a critter - today i got close - wanting to inspect him - see his coloring - what he might offer me - and you - in terms of a photo shoot - i have come so far - in terms of what i find interesting in nature - how i approach it - all because of being behind a camera lens - how super cool is that? truly, more than anything - it is what's making for...
happy day.....
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