Tiny Traveller

He is home - though I think he's spent more of his life sleeping away from home than in it! And what a good traveller he is - considering changes in faces, temperature, length of time in car/planes etc. although he has developed a minor dislike to being in a car seat! (We've put lavender and camomile actually on the seat now... Might have helped a bit... Who knows!).

He has had his first trip on a plane, first trip abroad, first time on the beach, in a pool, on a tuk tuk, on a boat, first time camping... Not bad for a 10 week old!

He seems oblivious to the fact anything has changed from this morning in our house in the Alentejo! I however am very aware of the masses to unpack and tidy from camp and portugal, the cold (it's warm for England but feels cold!) and his immunisations tomorrow... Guess we can't be on holiday all the time! I'm very grateful for being able to sometimes though!

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