
By DavidKeith


We had to pack a day early this morning as we had to move to another room for our last night. Some cock up between the owner and Booking.com. Apparently they are both blaming each other. To be fair, the B&B owner did warn us before we left home. Anyway, we decided to leave the heavy camera gear behind and climbed up Catbells with the wee compact. At 450 odd metres it's not a big hill but I'm out of practice and found it quite tough. Weemo strolled up as if she was on the flat. We took some pics on the way and ended up with a selection for blip. We just thought we were at the top when we were faced with this view! Ahrrr... another hill to climb. We'd better stop for a rest and take some more pictures, and this is the result! More pictures at the summit then down into Keswick for a Costa then a visit to the Rohan shop, neither of us can resist! We got a great demo of the Rohan and Eagle Creek luggage cases with all the zipped pockets. Next stop, Ambleside and guess where we went, yes the Rohan shop! This time I got a new wallet and Weemo got a new cardi. I was starting to wilt so we headed back to the digs and backed up photos and transferred notes and cards to the new wallet. We headed back to the Wheatsheaf in Embleton for dinner as it was such good value last night. They didn't disappoint us!

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