Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Just finishing up practice for the day....

And Im back at picking them up after practice .....hverdagen :-)

Today is the last day of my summer holiday. It hasnt been the most exciting summer, and there are a few things I wish I had done otherwise, but overall a lovely holiday - lots of good days, with the boys, with friends and on my own. Ive biked, ran, walked, read, ate :-), drank :-), talked and done some fun stuff. Much too little photography - it will be good to get going with it again.

It will be a bit of a shock to start up with work, studying, the boys in school and all their activities....and everything else that hverdagen includes...but it will be good too. Looking forward to seeing everyone at work tomorrow....nice :-)

Goodbye summer of 2014....its been lovely :-)

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