
By TynvdB

Somewhere In Between

Let us do some train writing. Writing while riding. Well, I have been looking through that train window long enough. Even that was already a mirroring adventure. Because of the reflexion in the dirty window glass I saw enchanted worlds. More-dimensional: the Northern landscape doubling itself in the Southern view. Not quite a normal vision. Moreover the train passed several stations all of which reminded me of stages in my working life, now belonging to a definite past. But it gives you this kind of survey-feeling. Like in the course of a reunion or during the removal of a Library and an Archive. By the way, nothing wrong with this. No invitation into nostalgia. It really feels good to leave all that history behind as the journey goes on.

This early morning take-off happened in a particularly unexpected and enjoyable way. Mischa dropped by on her way back from her early sea bath in order to pick up some thing she would need on her training day. Our extra farewell was warm, touchy and wholehearted. Which makes me feel so free and yet connected. Hoping to see each other again next Thursday!

What happened on my way through the Lowlands repeats itself when speeding through the Ruhr-Region: As I was reading in a review on the actual situation in the marvellous medieval harbour town of Dubrovnik the Intercity stopped in Bochum. Both places with their interuniversity centre or university institutes represent dear memories on the breaking experiences in my life long commitment towards philosophical psychology. And insofar my ongoing process of growing and maturing has shown me the deeper way into the spiritual “Beyond” of that “theoretical” activity, I still feel very indebted and grateful with regard to the lessons I have learned there.

I am quite aware of the fact that what Mischa - after her studies in psychology and philosophy - is busy learning these days during her multiday training in Eastern Martial Arts (and Sport!) focusses on experiencing essential growth on the level of direct bodily interaction with Others. That sourcing in and acting out of direct bodily intuition is of a different kind and of a more radical impact. But in the end: from an integrated perspective we may hope for and need the coming together of all these different dimensions of the creative soul in living experience. Towards the deepening of our capacity for compassion and dealing with suffering and pain. Of Self&Other. So heartbreaking manifest in the violent and cruel worlds of today.

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