A very very early start at ridiculous o'clock...(4:00) to catch our flight to a Athens....after a bit of a panic we made it by the skin of our teeth!!!
#Sue, me and The Rev waiting for take off....we had already pressed the button for an air steward to get us water..."watch those 2 in row 37"
We were then met at the airport by Maria....O's girlfriend who he met last year at a Greek camp.....she is absolutely lovely, such a sweet girl.
After unpacking we headed down to the pool for frappes and watermelon!!!
#This is O and Maria....being romantic (the holiday phrase!!!)
#At 7:00 we were joined by Thanos my Greek son and his gorgeous girlfriend Rosanna. He took us on a tram ride for a meal and a walk around the marina....very romantic.
#This is me and my three sons watching the sun setting!

TODAY'S SMILE: meeting up with new friends and old ones!!

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