Bread Beggars
This Mama Mallard and her 7 teenagers (only 3 pictured here) have now become beggars. Our neighbors have begun feeding them so when the ducks see anyone on the beach they swim close to the water's edge hoping for a hand out. Since I didn't want to be left out - especially since I am pretty sure this is the Mama who laid her eggs under our tree - I grabbed a loaf of old bread. My great niece & great nephew ("the greats") had fun feeding them. The greats were over for a camp out complete with a campfire and S'mores. Sad to say none of the campfire shots turned out so the ducks suffice for this backblip.
I need to find out what the neighbors are feeding the ducks because bringing out the bread brought every seagull from the county squawking and wanting their fair share. When the neighbors fed the ducks it was a quiet affair; no gulls!?
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