surely you can see

By petergarver

Another thought-provoking picture (for me, at least) in my series of Lakewood photos I'm taking this summer.

I'm trying, really, to show something of the city in these pictures, not just entirely myself, although I realize how true the common line about photography is - the pictures say a lot more about me than anything else. But does this one (or, say, imagine one like this only good) say _anything_ really, about anything other than how I think? Does it even reflect on the place, the times?

If the question is "Anything, at all?" the answer is yes, of course. But if the question is "how much?" I really have no idea, and I don't think I _can_ know, because there's naturally and unavoidably so much of me in the picture.

And hey, if I don't take a single decent picture all summer, it'll be worth it just for the things I think while I'm posting here.

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