
By TynvdB

Accordo Finale: CheerioHey, I'm Sailing Away!

On my last last morning here at sea we cycled together to the beach. It was already cloudy. From the South a front of rainclouds hang threatening over the Zandmotor. We would not have time to walk around the peninsula at ease. We felt sorry for the optimistic beach guests who were coming down and had not heard the weather outlook. But for the accurate observer it was clear: the beach clubs had opened but without the outer accommodation with lying chairs and parasols. The warning was out: heavy rainfall was to be expected. It would only be a matter of place and time and Luck!

Fortunately we could use our window of opportunity. And we swam and splashed around in the calm grey sea. The water was a bit cooler than in previous days. Yesterdays strong winds and streaming had brought in new fresh waters from the deep. How will the sea receive us again in September, I asked. Autumn winds will start their reign again, but the water temperature will keep tempting high far into October. But flat and calm seas as today will be rare then. This is the serene and flat summersea at Hollands coast. So we enjoyed our last stroll together along the seaside and returned to our balcony before it started to rain.

After the espresso-break, I kept my promise and worked seriously on those last “todo’s” I mentioned yesterday. Gilsey commented:”there is always something that needs doing”. Of course Gilsey! Nothing will ever be absolutely ready and finished. But we do feel satisfied and content - for the time being - and of course you will not see my ultimate farewell photo here. But I have that happy feeling: tomorrow morning I’m Sailing Away! And CheerioHey will be not my Ultimate but my Final Chord, Accordo Finale, my splashing, spraying Final Waveline.

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