Shapes and Shadows

I am struggling to fit this into Chantler63's August Challenge for today which is shape and shadow. I spent the day without a camera as my eldest grandson used it yesterday at the balloon festival, hope it recovers! So borrowed my daughter's phone and was (reluctantly) impressed with its quality.

Today, without a shadow (there we go!) of a doubt, was fantastic. I spent it with my daughter as she joined me in my birthday treat, a gift from her, her brother, their partners and grandchildren. So breakfast at a very San Francisco bakery/cafe in Bristol, train to Bath, a long lazy soak in the outside, roof level, thermal bath (in sunshine), a brief visit to the steam rooms, a float in another bath inside and then, for me, a full body polish. I was impressed with the polish but unfortunately they gave me back the same body shape (boom! boom!) that I handed in for an exchange. Then off to lunch for some fantastic vegetarian food (Acorn), pudding on the go, back to Bristol.

My train home was delayed by an accident somewhere on the line.

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