Mostly looking North

By Mostlynorth

Alan and the unused bisque

"..... with time approaching, Lyn's clip was on 1-back, with Fergus's on 3-back, Chris's on penult and Alan's on hoop 5, so that the scores were equal. Lyn and Fergus had the innings and they still had one bisque. They laid up near corner 4, hoping to get a chance to use the bisque in the remaining few minutes of the game to score another hoop, but left a double target for Alan, whose ball was near hoop 1; he hit it, and by the time he had scored hoops 5 and 6 and finished his turn the time had expired and the bisque was no longer usable. Alan's leave had Fergus's black ball above hoop 3, Lyn's blue very near corner 4, Chris's red west of the peg and wired from black, and Alan's yellow on the south boundary near corner 1 - leaving nothing but long shots for either black or blue. Fergus chose to shoot at yellow, which he thought gave him the best chance of a break if he hit, but the shot hilled off more than he'd allowed for (hitting hoop 1), and that was the end: +2 on time (16-14) to Chris and Alan."


A few of us reconvened in the evening for drinks and dinner.... followed up with pints at Cloisters."

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