Soweto Spiritual Singers

These cheerful performers were walking up the meadows as I was going to the gym this afternoon. Of course I had to take a picture of them! :)

I was off today and I woke up late. I had a backlog of photos to process, which took me ages this morning due to having the most frustratingly slow computer on the planet. After that, I went to the gym. I had the stupid brilliant idea of walking up the Royal Mile on my way there, on a sunny Saturday during the Fringe festival!!! Hmmmm.... I should have known better. It took me ages to get to the gym, as you can imagine!

Back from the gym I phoned a few friends, as I quite fancied going to see a show this evening. I don't get weekends off very often, you know, so I was feeling quite excited. Well, it so happened that tonight, of all nights, nobody was available!!! It's always like that, isn't it?

Anyway, so I decided to go out on my own and enjoy a show no matter what. It turned out that the show I wanted to see was sold out. Just my luck! I wondered what to do then, as I was out there on my own. In the end I decided that if I found an interesting enough show to see at that time, I would go.

It so happened that there was a comedian handing out flyers, who was talking to two ladies. I asked him if his show was anytime soon and what it was about. His show was an hour later, but the guy convinced me, so I went and had a drink with the two ladies he was talking to, before going to the show. They were so friendly! The three of us went to the show! I really like it when things happen spontaneouly like this.

The show was brilliant! It was called "Sexy Noises" and the comedian was Jonny Awsum. Great performance and great show involving comedy whilst singing and playing the guitar! I laughed a lot! Glad I went! I truly reccommend it!

The weather was great today but it will be awful tomorrow. Glad I made the most of it!

Now back home and soon going to bed.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you're all having a great weekend! :)

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