and through the wire...

By hesscat

La Alcoba Azul

I was fully expecting our Park Guell (Gaudi) selfie to make it to the top of the list for today's blip. After a harbour area promenade and brunch, metro half way across town followed by a trek up the hill to the park, although escalators are again very welcome, we arrived wondering how we were going to cope. However, a quick refreshment or two, the park felt like it cooled things down for a while for us to enjoy it. Of course that had nothing to do with Ms H and myself fighting over front row position for several big fans we found in one of the houses.

On the way back, Mrs C was allowed to choose a place for dinner, less turistico, although needed some map assitance to get us there. On arrival and on perusal of the menu, we lost Ms H to somewhere where the wild things go... not happy with the options. It took much arm twisting/chinese burns both inside and out for her to select from the menu. However, as the courses began to come, her mood perked up and she began eating away... phew, crisis averted.

Anyway, the blip is of course after our meal, which was lovely, great service, served local cava and coronita, cheaper than any other meal, and we came out so much happier than we went in. How could i not choose it :-)

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