Best day

Blimey, it didn't half rain last night! I am not too fussed about a bit of camping rain, I quite like lying in bed listening to it but it was actually so loud we had to shout at each other to hear anything! My mum and dad came to visit after work, it was a shame they didn't get to see a nice sunny camp!

But then it was a beautiful day today and we have had a splendid time. A little walk along the river, back for lunch then a swingball tournament which was brilliant. I know this is a bit of a rubbish picture but it captured the afternoon perfectly. You can just see three little boys in the background who spent about 5 hours running round the field just with a few sticks and their imagination (and a knowledge of a variety of computer games they could re-enact). Daisy provided the most hilarious commentary for the swingball, she is a natural although I am sure Wimbledon doesn't have the commentators shouting quite so loudly from the sidelines.

And then we did the very sensible thing and came home. It is meant to start raining about 2am and not stopping until tomorrow afternoon. Packing up in the rain is an utterly miserable affair so we spent several leisurely hours doing it today then sat with the fire a little longer and left just after 8. It has been such a lovely couple of days.

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