Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

Musselburgh beach

One of my friends in Edinburgh had suggested meeting up and walking part of the John Muir Way. Seemed like a good idea and so a date was set. Thankfully, Thursday was dry, warm and sunny. Another mutual friend joined us - I'm retired and they're both teachers, so summer week-days are generally free - and we had a very pleasant and leisurely day, firstly in the capital then walking the footpath (with the occasional diversion as the mood took us).

Having walked from my friend's flat up Calton Hill (and down again), across the Royal Mile to the Pleasance and then Holyrood Park we joined the footpath through the east of the city, along the 'Innocent Railway' and finished up in Musselburgh, with a coffee stop along the way. After enjoying a rest in the evening sunshine and overlooking the harbour, we headed back westwards along the beach to Portobello, where my friend's husband was joining us for dinner.

This photo, featuring my two friends in the distance, was taken on our return journey to Portobello along the beach. We had walked further than I had anticipated but it was, to use a phrase from Wallace & Grommit, a grand (if tiring) day out.

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