it's the little things in life...

...that really matter.
Today was a hard day. It started with the fact that my computer would not boot up, and to add insult to injury, it did not just play dead but gave very shrill beeps! Very annoying on many levels.
Then the carpet installers came, and with all the ripping out of the old and banging in with the new, Laney went berserk. So we went for many walks which was tough on my still tender toes.
Then when I tried to post on my tablet last night I couldn't get the internet to work!
But all is well that ends well...after the carpeters left for the day, Hubby and I went to dinner with friends, had a good sleep, and now my internet works again so I can post from my tablet.
And this perky little pygmy nuthatch pulling a peanut from the feeder just makes me smile :-)

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