
A long day started with me taking Robb up to the Cowgate where his first set scheduled for about 1 pm. Then I headed out for the Ferry to see the Burryman - which was harder than it should have been since he seemed to miss out on his customary visit to Tesco. Then the heavens opened - by the time I saw him coming down the Varnies I was quite wet enough for one day so couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to follow him down the road and meet up with Old Bat , who'd seen him much earlier. Queenie blipped him too I see - that must have been before the rain!

Had to traverse a scarily deep flash flood on the road back, right on the Cramond Brig. Then home briefly for a cuppa and a sit down before heading up town to see Robb do a set in the Tron Kirk, meeting up with Mr H there too. First time I'd been inside the Tron - what a great building. The mural along the back wall depicts a big happy crowd outside the Tron, just as used to be there every year at Hogmany before Edinburgh commercialised "its" Hogmanay. I tried to focus on Robb but the light was extremely poor, he was moving around quite a bit, and the camera chose to focus on the mural behind him.

After a pizza it was down to Jeremiah's taproom again; Robb's slot was rescheduled from 9pm to 11.30pm, so it was a long evening. Although it's not an easy gig, he was on fine form. First time I'd heard "The Spawn of Tony Blair" -what an excellent song!

*Title was "Blurry", but have edited it in the light of Trev's excellent suggestion!

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