see it often enough
A few months ago there was a dead seagull in almost the same place as this scarf. Whilst the scarf has been in exactly the same place for the past month the seagull drifted slightly over the course of a couple of weeks before eventually disappearing. I've ignored the scarf a few times but wondered if it was worth getting it now to record any gradual change. Not far from here there's a glove which has been on the same railing and in the same position for at least two years which I might have caught earlier in its career and occasionally wonder about using, though it really needs treating properly with a tripod and everything to make sure the weather-mankened wool is properly crisp.
In a vaguely similar vein (at least, similar enough to warrant the paragraph above) I finally got round to properly coding something I've been running manually for the past year or two just because it would probably have taken a year or two for the extra time-investment to do it properly to have been recouped. Had I factored in the additional time it would have taken to write instructions for the dodgy manual method then the difference would have been greater but I would probably have always preferred to use the time it would have taken to write an instruction to properly code it, partly to avoid embarrassment.
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