
By bigred1977

Terrible Tuckered Trio

A big day today

Up early and on the road for 6 and on our way to Orange

Farmers Market - Awesome stuff, heaps of new ( to us ) producers, chilli sauce/ lamb rack/ bread/ fruit / milk / jerky & Beer!

A quick visit to sample some local beer and then on to Millthorpe for a early birthday lunch.

We went to Tonic

An amazing lunch with a couple of local vino's .

A nice surprise for dessert, our friends niece is one of the chefs there, she sent out a complimentary dessert for me with my name written on the plate in chocolate and sparklers! A very nice end to a fantastic lunch!

My driver ( Andrea ) then drove us all back home...... Fantastic day.

Home now, fire on , beer soon to be in hand and the Swans on the box!

( Three mentions of beer in one Blip may be a personal best!)

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