through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

ending with a bang.

Photo by Timothy Nguyen.

Dear Teyen,

You're done.

Oh, my goodness, you are done.

Your dream of never having to touch a textbook, or go to sleep worried about an exam the next day, or to carry a heavy backpack a whole day as a commuter, has finally come true.

Yes, I know, you still sometimes wake up with the first thought of, "Did I forget a homework assignment last night?!" As you can see, all of this will take some time to get used to.

Does not all of this feel... bittersweet? You are officially stepping into your next chapter in life with excitement and passion as you are finally approaching your dream a bit closer. And yet, still with a little bit of hesitation, fear, and this annoyance of not knowing what it is that you have to face next.

Four years.

During those four years, you experienced heartbreaks, challenging friendships, loneliness, what it feels to run away, and what it meant to truly forgive and forget. Through those though, you also experienced what it means to love, how to be patient, and what it means to start over. You also met the most wonderful people that you can probably confidently say are life-long friends, right?

Four years.

I know right now you're scared. Everyone's starting to go their own ways and you're scared. Your best friend's leaving. You still have to live alone. Now you have all this financial responsibilities (well, this is not...really new). You're in this in-between stage of discovering this "young adult life" while still (admit it) having a "college student" mindset.

Hey, hey, hey. It's just the beginning.
Take a deep breath.

Slow down.

I wish I can give you some encouraging and wise advice right now, but maybe four years later. Maybe the four years later Teyen can look back at this now and will not regret anything. Instead, she would be proud. And happy. And possibly smile a little bit at the memories that still lingers. At the people that she may not be in contact with anymore, but only the little marks they have left behind that has shaped her into the Teyen she is. Now and then.

But one thing I can say for sure now and even later: you are not alone. And you will never be.

Because He's also got you.

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