The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Stop pointing that thing at me!

I had a day from 7.30am with contractors. Lots and lots of them. The college was a mass of computers, laptops, telephones, cables, chairs, tables, chemicals, equipment, you name it, we had it. I think I met about thirty different people in the space of eleven hours! It is coming on a treat though, except a minor issue with too tall tables and too low chairs....god damn it, I knew they would cock that one up!

Could have gone to the gym but thought I should come home to my girls. Nice walk on the old railway track, listening to radio 4 on my phone on loudspeaker so I could chill out. Tea, a few jobs about the house, just written my weekend task lists. It's very therapeutic. Up early tomorrow for a smoothie, gym and a day of stuff! Productive stuff!

Sleep tight.x

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