
By Annieone

'Lady Bug'........!

I'm not very good at getting shots of bugs........
so, I couldn't believe it when I saw this ladybird...she was just sitting there posing for my Blip pic....
We've had a continuous shower /downpour since mid-morning until it suddenly cleared early afternoon and now we have beautiful sunshine again...
lovely was so dull and dreary this morning I didn't expect to see any brightness today....nice bonus!!!!
Forecast not so great for the weekend tho'.......
but there might be a Blipmeet on Sunday.....
I can't wait...really looking forward to it....
providing I can get out for the afternoon!!!!! fun.....!
Kitty boy in sleeping happily in his bed....
My Son let him in this morning and he had a bit of a 'drowned rat' look about he's happy to stay in but he sends all his pals the best of purrs for the weekend!!!!!

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