Foody Friday for a Spider
I was hoping to find a spider tucking into breakfast as it's Foody Friday! On my first couple of looks round the garden there was no suitable spidery subject. then, joy of joys, I noticed one that had clearly built its web in the right place with a couple of freshly caught flies tangled up! Quick grab of camera, macro lens and tripod ..... There was no point in trying a focus stack as the breeze was just too strong, so I got the best single focus image I could.
I'm off to Retford today to visit friends. John is driving our Morris up to a 'meet' at Thorsby which is not far from Retford. I am driving the Volvo up! Possibly as rescue vehicle and taking in a couple of National Trust places on the way and a cream tea (I hope) before ending up for a jolly good gossip and catch-up with my friend Alison, no doubt over a glass or two! Then tomorrow, the four of us (her husband is another John) will gather at the Morris drive which will be in Retford. I hope the weather is at least fine as there will be good photo opportunities.
My son will be left at home in charge of the cat - or is that the other way round? the dog is sitting in the Morris and will get as much attention on the drive up as the car does!
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