
By JewelsInCollege

Shopping we go!

My friend and I went shopping with another friend of ours and a blast looking at wedding stuff for over two hrs. I now know what I want in the girls dresses and for the guys as well.

I also pick out what my dress is going to look like for the most part. I'm very happy with it!

I enjoyed looking at cake ideas and so wish I had a friend as a cake cakes cost sooooo much!! I never knew, I mean good grief, how could a cake that is made of flower and eggs with a ton of sugar in it?? The things that people do for their wedding is totally wild! LOL

BUT... I did find one I really like and can take the basic concept and put it on to my cake.

Now just to just find the money to all.this...LOL!!!! It will happen as I need it to :)

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