Exit stage left

By NessD

Sneak peak

Poor quality sneak peak taken at 23:59 and 30s so I can't improve it.

Back to normality after a less than perfect couple of days, the upside of which was generating several bags of recycling after an office sort out. I obviously needed to feel like there was order somewhere in my life. And equally obviously I'd need several more days of chaos to get the whole house sorted. Nah forget it, messy is fine.

Hospital today for a routine follow up. I think they've done all they can for now but they want to see me again so 6 months it is. Only trying to save them money.

Coffee and cake out as a post-hospital treat and then a weird combo of leadership study and wedding planning. Still some more details to sort before we can send but stage 1 is ready to go tomorrow with a couple more answers. Please.


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