Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

I've been coerced...

I've been told I'm not allowed to badmouth Twilight til I've actually read it. I watched about an hour of the film months ago and thought it was so awful I actually switched it off. Annoying characters, bad dialoug etc. But so many people said 'well yes the film isn't anything special, read the book'. So I am.

And it's just as awful IMHO. Its written TERRIBLY!! Honestly it sometimes sounds as though the sentences have come from the mouth of a 12 year old. If it weren't all the way over the other side of the room and I wasn't lazy I'd quote you some. I'll finish reading it because despite the characterless characters and inane chatter, the story is okay. It'll maybe take me another day to read it so I don't feel as though I've lost as much of my soul as I thought I would.

Ironically I'd still say read it. Moreso though that you can truly know what bad writing is.

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