Does My Hair Look Alright?

You'd better say yes, and you'd better not laugh!

I dragged Dana down the road to Swede's Feeds to look at the cactus sculptures OilMan and I saw there last weekend. She admitted that she had been driving past the place for 16 years and had never been in ("in" being a somewhat amorphous concept for a place that is mostly outside.) It is quite a merry mix of colorful metal sculptures from Mexico, plants, pet food, bird seed, and whimsical hangings, bales of hay, fertilizers and a few fountains (of the spitting fish variety).

I managed to pass on the butterfly sculptures as well as the little tow truck towing a car, the pink flamingoes, the roosters, the miniature burro, the life size dinosaur and two dozen cows, dogs, cats and parrots, but could not resist the three foot tall cactus, which I carried inside and asked if they could gift wrap it for me…they said, perfectly seriously, that they could put a bow on it!

On the way out, we were distracted for another half hour at the large chicken coop filled
with chickens far funnier and more whimsical than the painted metal ones. Credits to Dana for today's picture of a Dutch Crested chicken. (This is a guess, as there are approximately 5 million images of chicken breeds online…)

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