
Today we celebrated Ottos 30 year Birthday. The real day is on sunday, but then we are already left from here, so I decided to organize surprise partys for him!

Almost everyone who lives here was making up the party behind Ottos back.
My uncle and my moms bf tooked Otto in the morning to Suomussalmi to look some old war ruins etc. so I could bake and my could make the food in secret.

The surprise party idea came to me long time ago. I tooked recepies for Ottos favorite cake (lime-white chocolate cheese cake), candles, balloons, gift etc. with me to our vacation. The original food idea was to serve home made hamburgers but it changed. I asked a week ago what was his favorite food and he said cabbage casserole. So we served it. Few days ago Otto also asked my mom to make that food but oviously she didn't make because it was todays meal =)

My other uncles came to party also and few other people =) Otto was surprised. And he didn't have any clue of what we had been intrigueding behind his back :P

For birthday gift he got two t-shirts with two famous slogans that people in Puolanka say. Also he got ne rubber boots,thick and warm leather mittens and head phones. He was very very very happy for the gifts!! <3

Some other pics you'll find here =)

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