
By CyclopsJnr

First time in a shirt!

BabyCyclops is 11 weeks old or a month by his 'adjusted age' - so of course the Health Visitor came today to do his six week check.

His measurements were as follows:

Weight: 9lb11oz
Length: 54.5cm
Head circumference: 40cm

For his adjusted age, BabyCyclops is now at the 50th centile for weight and length, so he's average size for a month old baby. This means he's catching up well as he's gradually sneaked up from the 20th centile. His head is 95th centile though! Luckily he doesn't look out of proportion.

Later, BabyCyclops and MrsCyclops went out for lunch with Peach, and she met BabyCyclops for the first time.

BabyCyclops wore a shirt for the occasion - his first time in a shirt.

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