Old Bridge

They are about to start work on the old bridge which will cause traffic problems for three months. While I was looking at it I notices these notches which I am pretty sure are high water marks. I have known this stream to flood some nearby houses but never this high so I have no clue when this was marked. Large

Health news for today is Lack of Vitamin D is leading to a risk of Dementia. Well folks did you know that in nature we are not meant to go demented, it is a modern problem, we are suppose to get wiser as we get older not dafter. Here again it is down to lifestyle, eat well then get out and about, exercising in the fresh air, get some sun about you and stop using the sun creams which block out all the goodness. Be sensible with the way you do it and your skin will stay healthy.

The brain is made of fat so eat some, good honest omega three rich oils, your brain will love it. Oh and stop the sugar which is the real cause of Dementia.


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