
By IntothewildMan

First Light

I awoke at first light. My mind has been rather unsettled by a work related issue. The usual relaxation and meditation techniques were not successful so I decided to get up. There was a thin blanket of mist which hung over the landscape. The sun had not yet risen.
I walked down the lane, through the kissing gate and into the park of Felbrigg Hall. Still and patient beneath the trees, a herd of cattle were sitting in the dew soaked grass. Their presence was calm and friendly and I took a few pictures of them. But it was the picture of the gate that pleased me most. As I turned to retrace my steps, a fox crossed my path fifty yards ahead.

Thanks to all for yesterday's down to earth advice and responses. I am not as blue as I may have sounded, it was partly a feeble pun about capturing a blue butterfly. However I am going to be more pragmatic about posting when I can and letting go of self criticism.

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