
By tourist


Reports on the front page of the local paper suggest there is Monsoon type weather to be expected here in Aberdeenshire. It certainly wouldn't surprise me when you consider how crap the summer has been here in the UK. What is it, about 2 months of complete and utter shite. Rain, Rain, and even more rain.

While taking this photograph the sky around the house was all different shades of grey with the odd bit of light sky here and there. Shortly before taking this photograph i was driving to the nearest village and saw what would have been a good photograph if i had my Wide Angle lens and Camera with me. Of course, i wouldn't have been able to use the Wide angle lens even if i did bring it with me.

Seconds after taking this photograph the rain came pouring down. Almost solid lines of rain falling, it had that thundery type weather sort of effect which i failed to capture in fear of damaging my camera which at the moment i cannot afford to replace.

Spare a thought to those down in England though who seem to be getting it worse.

I'm afraid the only summer we are going to get has gone. April was a really good month and it is looking like the only good month of the year for 2007.

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