A couple of weeks ago I spotted that the skirting board on one of the walls under the stairs was completely rotten. Given that the skirting board was only fitted 4 years ago it was obvious we had damp.
I had to wait for the local, friendly builder to come back from his holidays for him to come and take a look and tell me that the local, friendly joiner needed to first take off the skirting board before he could take a look.
Whilst I have been in London, Mo passed on a house key to the joiner and when I got home he'd taken up more than just the skirting board.
It appears we have damp coming through the floor and the tiled floor didn't allow the very old floor to breath and voila we have a damp patch to sort.
Now just awaiting builder to come and take a look to identify where the damp is coming from and what to do about it.
The joys of old houses. A bit disappointing given we gutted the place only 4 years ago.
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