Nope, I do not understand cyclists

After much cursing at a driver, this guy then fell off his bike. Apparently if cars have to stop, then it's simply not fair that a cyclist should have to stop as well. What you have to do is wobble round the driver, cussing away at the guy, and then fall off your bike and break it.

But that's not what got me.

Cyclists have seem to have this "survival of the fittest", "everyman for himself" mentality on the pass - so if one of them has a problem - they don't really help him - they kinda ride on. "hey, I'll call the ambulance when I get to the top" "hey, the puncture repair kit - you can use it when I come down" "is that a heart attack you're having? it'll be ok. I'll be back as soon as I reach the top".

This poor guy (the cusser) had to wait 15 minutes before another cyclist came to his aid. His mate, 0.5km up the pass certainly wasn't coming back in a hurry to help him. Just leared over the wall looking at his more and more distraut friend down below.

But this really is a cyclist thing. If a biker has a problem, everyone stops, or at least slows down to make sure the biker has help. Got a puncture - next biker down will help - he won't just help, he'll toss you his repair kit and carry on down the pass. Got a problem with the bike starting - it's a mechanic fest. Heck, the bikers will stop to have a bbq (which they do). Leave no man behind.

Cyclists though - everyman for himself. Leave the wounded where you found them.

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