The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis

The is The End......

And so it has come to pass that we find ourselves in a parting of the ways.

Never did I think the end would come like this. Sudden. Brutal. The tearing of flesh from your loins. What brute could do this to you? What fool, as we rode together on our daily mission to earn a crust? Only to be speared by a black monstrosity?

You didn't flinch, my friend, not as you span, wildly across the road, shoved like a ha'penny in some bar room game. You didn't moan as the black Spaniard tore you apart, ripping out your innards with its ugly teeth. You still purred, you still roared even as you took me home, whilst I shaken, tried to block the moment from my mind.

And now this. The Call. the Dreaded Call that sounds so matter of fact.

The Breakers are coming.

They won't let us stay together, it is time to part, to go to pastures new. I know where you're going, my silver Japanese lightning bolt, but I don't know with whom my next adventure will be.

This is the end....
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

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