Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Our last day!

It is our last day here - tomorrow we drive the long journey back to England (I use 'we' very liberally, poor Gavin does all the driving, but he does not mind, he prefers it) It was a bright and sunny day and I was not sure what to take as my last shot of this beautiful place. There was a bit of a wind and the paragliders were out, and after watching them from our terrace I decided to get some shots of them landing in the field in front of our apartment.

We nearly had a disaster today - when you travel abroad with a pet you need to get your pet checked by a vet before returning home to the UK (for deworming, de-ticking, to check the rabies inoculation is current and to check the that microchip is still in place) It has to be done between 24 hours and 5 days before entering the UK - it used to be between 24-48 hours which was quite tricky when travelling on a flexible schedule. Murdoch had an appointment this afternoon which we forgot! The boys were out playing golf, I was out walking Murdoch, and as Gavin was about to tee off the 3rd hole he suddenly remembered! He came rushing back to get Murdoch but of course we were out. He phoned the vet and they said they could now only see him at 9am tomorrow morning...which meant we could not leave tomorrow. I convinced Gavin to drive to the vet and beg and worked! The vet attended to Murdoch and therefore we are going home tomorrow as planned.

I probably will not have time to look at journals tomorrow, I will catch up when I am back home again.

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