The certificate

This morning I did a tonne of ironing whilst watching the Commonwealth Games marathons. The kids (mainly Dexter) chose to watch most of it with me and they were both fascinated when they watched the athletes grabbing their bottles for a drink whilst on the move. They thought this was amazing so they set up their own 'drinks station' and practised running backwards and forwards grabbing their drinks and drinking on the move. They thought they were ace when they managed it!

During this time hubby took them out to do some more cycling and a few minutes later Olivia ran back into the house saying "Mummy you won't believe it! Dexter can cycle totally on his own without any help!" and then she disappeared. Sometime later she reappeared with the certificates in the blip above, which she had made for her brother. She is such a sweetheart as she did this totally on her own without being asked. Dex was very pleased with them.

Later on we headed to the swimming pool and received a nice surprise as on warm sunny days they remove the roof and wall of our local pool and it's like being on holiday with people sunbathing in the gardens next to the pool! I love this place!

Then it was home to get ready for our next visitors as hubby's two year old godson was arriving with his parents for a holiday.

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