Peachie's Pics

By Peachie

Hog Roast

"Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water, but roast it over a fire – with the head, legs and internal organs." Exodus 12:9

Here is a picture of a hog roast that we had at Clare and Jeremy's house. It was very yummy indeed. I hasten to add that we didn't eat all of it, there were some other people there as well. This is almost true to the Bible verse above, except that the internal organs were removed first. I think in this verse God is simply giving an instruction to keep His people healthy. He did not want them to get food poisoning so he instructed them to cook their meat over a fire. If they had removed the internal organs first they would have got the bacteria on their hands and they did not understand the importance of hand washing in these days. Nowadays we have access to gloves and sinks in the kitchen that help protect us.

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