
By DancingAly

Eight Long Hours

in London!

I slept terribly last night. I felt like I had the weight of the world on my mind. Actually prayed I wouldn't wake up. Sadly I did, and tried to get moving. I had my weekly appointment with A, my therapist, and it was a good, yet slightly uncomfortable session. In addition to the current and seemingly never-ending woes surrounding a life event recently, we looked back to my teenage years. They weren't a particularly happy period, and I don't really enjoy having to talk about them. Nevertheless, I always feel quite empowered and uplifted after the session, and I consider it a valuable expense on myself.

I made plans with my sister to go shopping in London. Actually, pretty much the only place I wanted to go was Zara Home! We caught the train at lunch, and it was quite grey and very windy, so figured it wasn't going to be the best day. We walked to the Jubilee bridge and took a couple of pics, and I was determined to walk into Central London rather than take the tube. Over the last few months I walked the same route with guy friend back from our pub, although it was always in the dark. I was determined to retrace my steps and prove I could complete the twenty minute journey unaided! I honestly have thought for a long time that I have a photographic memory, and I put it to good use today. It was easy, and we made it exactly to where I wanted to be. Yay! A bit anxiety making though, as it reminded me that I miss him. And that I wanted him to be there by my side.

Unfortunately, my powers ended there, and we had to resort to Google maps to direct us to Covent Garden. My sister was on a mission to go to Kurt Geiger for some shoes that were on sale, so off we went. We walked and couldn't find the street, and got a bit lost. Eventually we found Covent Garden, but by then we had pretty much wasted two hours. We both ended up buying shoes. Aah well, I guess pretty shoes might help to cheer me up!

We headed to the tube to go to Bond Street, as my sister wanted to go to Victoria's Secret. I went there in New York and found that the stuff was really cheap and tacky, as I was under the illusion that it was something special! I had no desire to buy anything, and the store was heaving. Before we started I had said I didn't want to be an hour, knowing full well it would be! I waited outside, inside, I paced, I texted. Outside there was a row of men propped up against the glass, presumably all waiting in vain for their other halves! Eventually I got bored, and truth be told, anxious. I wanted to leave, but obviously couldn't. In the end I decided to have a wander and get a coffee. The nearest one was Pret at the station, so I texted her to come and meet me when she was done.

I sat down next to this really cute guy, and he struck up a conversation. It turned out he is a teacher too, so we had a good chat. My sister finally turned up, and muttered the words " I'm so sorry!". Hmmm. Actually I enjoyed chatting to the guy, I'll pretty much talk to anyone! We swapped numbers, but he might have a girlfriend for all I know!

We had one more stop to make. Zara Home on Kensington High street. Back to the tube, and I got us off at the wrong station. We hailed a cab to drive us, and didn't get there till nearly 7pm. I felt I didn't really have time to look at anything as my sister wanted to leave! I ended up buying two cushions that I wanted so it wasn't all bad.

We had a bit of a spat over dining out, as I just wanted to leave, so she bought Sushi and we left. We had to take a couple of tubes to get back to Waterloo, but I was so happy to get there! We walked back along Southbank to have a drink, but it was cold and really windy. We stopped at Las Iguanas and just had a quick drink, and then headed home.

My feet were completely black underneath from walking around in flip flops all day, so I've had a lovely warm bath and a nice cup of tea. I can't eat as I feel anxious. I hope it will pass.

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