
This is a section of road on the Blackdown Hills which many, including myself, find has a strange feeling about it. I have driven it for many years and currently do so once a week to go and see a friend.

I believe that many years ago an apparition appeared to me which was very peculiar.

In 1997 there was a terrible accident when a Harrier jump jet crashed into the southern slope. The road was closed for some time for the accident investigators but at the same time my mother was in hospital and the diversion added another 20 minutes to the journey which I was doing on a daily basis. I mentioned this to the army guard who very kindly radioed through and got me clearance to use the road from then on. It really restored my faith in human nature and both myself and my sister were very grateful not to have to cope with a lengthy diversion as so it gave us more time to visit.

The hills have many magical qualities but I do not believe that this section of road is one of them.

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