One River: Nearly Home

Today I walked from Finkle Street to Oughtibridge along the Trans Pennine Trail. My choice was a small section of the riverbank followed by several miles along the main road with intermittent views of the river, or a walk along the TPT through a rather nice woodland, along a good track along the valley side, but because of the woodland, no views of the river. No mixing and matching because there are no bridges across the river for most of this section. No brainer. I plan to go back and spend some time on the small section of river with a path and try to take some pictures there to illustrate the River, after all, my finishing point today was just a short bus ride from home. Ironically, the entry to the next section of my route is temporarily closed as they are doing some fairly major work on that bridge so I will have to walk upstream for a couple of miles, then return the same way. Not too much of a trial, as I've walked it quite a few times already and it is a very pleasant walk, for once, entirely on a pleasant path by the river. Beyond that, the river enters an altogether more industrial, urban landscape.
There were plenty of Peacocks and Speckled Woods along the path today, and a surprising number of these Common Darters. The light was very harsh for photography, but at least it gave me the chance to get an interesting shadow of the dragonfly on the leaf it was perching on - you can even see some of the wing detail in silhouette

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